India vMUG: Building App-Driven Analytics with MongoDB Aggregation

Join MongoDB Community in India on Saturday, July 15th for a day of learning, meeting other developers in the region, and taking back home some exciting MongoDB Swag!

The event will focus on analyzing the sample_mflix dataset and follow up with interactive activities to learn how to build complex analytical queries with MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework and how to generate visualizations using MongoDB Charts.

New to MongoDB?

:bulb: We’ll start with an optional to attend overview session on MongoDB and Atlas App Services. Make sure you join at 10:30 AM to participate in the jumpstart session and get all the knowledge you need to attend the workshop later.

We’ll begin the event with introductions and engaging ice-breakers. Then, we’ll explore the world of app-driven analytics and learn how to create complex analytical queries using MongoDB’s Aggregation Framework. Additionally, we’ll discover the process of generating visualizations through Charts.

Once you’ve gained a solid understanding of the core concepts, we’ll provide opportunities to apply your newfound knowledge, participate in :dart: Breakout Room Activities and win exciting prizes :gift: This will give you the chance to craft complex aggregation queries, extract valuable insights, and potentially win some swag!

We’ll also have a :raised_hands: Hangout Room where one can join and network with other Attendees, Speakers, MongoDB Champions, Enthusiasts, MUG Leaders and Staff :handshake:

We are also inviting proposals for presentations as part of Builders Sessions. If you have a topic related to MongoDB, MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB Atlas App Services Mobile Application Development with MongoDB and/or with the Realm Database, or any technology integrations with MongoDB that you would like to share with the community, we want to hear from you! :smile: Please fill out this form if you are interested in speaking at this or any future MUG event: Call For Proposals: MongoDB User Group Meetups


Time Topic
10:30 AM [Optional] MongoDB Overview - Jumpstart Session
11:00 AM Meet and Greet w/ Swags to Win!!
11:30 AM Workshop: Building App-Driven Analytics using MongoDB Aggregation
12:30 PM Breakout Rooms: Challenges, Hangout, Builders Sessions
01:30 PM Closing: Networking and Fun


:video_camera: Event Type: Online

:dart: Join Zoom Meeting (passcode is encoded in the link)

Meeting ID: 94296091721

Passcode: 832867



Sumanta Mukhopadhyay,

MongoDB Enthusiast | AVP Technology @ Finarb


Shrey Batra

MongoDB Champion | Founder @CosmoCloud

Sandhya Dev

Solutions Architect, MongoDB