
Container ImagesΒΆ

When you install the Kubernetes Operator, it pulls the images from the container registry. The Kubernetes Operator images are based on the Red Hat UBI 8 operating system. MongoDB rebuilds Kubernetes Operator images daily for the latest operating system and supporting library updates.

Official images provide the following advantages:

  • They are rebuilt daily for the latest upstream vulnerability fixes.
  • MongoDB tests, maintains, and supports them.

To view all available versions for each image, see the following links.

Image Name Description
mongodb-agent-ubi MongoDB Agent image.
mongodb-enterprise-server The Enterprise MongoDB image used for the Application Database.
mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb-ubi initContainer image that contains the Application Database start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
mongodb-enterprise-database-ubi MongoDB Database environment image.
mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi initContainer image that contains the MongoDB Agent start-up scripts and the readiness probe.
mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager-ubi Ops Manager image.
mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager-ubi initContainer image that contains the Ops Manager start-up scripts and the readiness probe.