{Event}  Tune in to the .local NYC keynote on June 22 at 9:30 a.m. ET for all the latest updates
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Justify Your Trip

Trying to convince your manager to let you attend? Let us help you convince your boss with a customizable email template to prove that attending MongoDB.local NYC is the most efficient way to get the tools and skills you need.

Convince your boss

Dear [your manager’s name],

I’d like to request approval to attend this year’s MongoDB.local NYC conference in New York on June 22, 2023. I’m sure to learn a lot, and quite quickly, in a full day connecting and collaborating in-person with MongoDB experts and other users. With your permission to attend MongoDB.local I’ll learn how to make the most of MongoDB to increase our efficiency, improve our results, and even lower our costs!

Attending MongoDB.local will improve my MongoDB knowledge immensely. I’ll be able to grow my skills through the keynote, breakouts, hands-on learning opportunities, product demos, Ask the Experts, and more. The networking opportunities over meals and the closing reception will also allow me the opportunity to connect with industry experts and peers.

What I learn at MongoDB.local will impact my work and help me with these current projects:

  • add projects here
  • add projects here

I’d be happy to share additional details, including the sessions I plan on attending and how it can bring additional value to the company. Following the event, I’ll circulate a summary of major takeaways, including best practices and recommendations to optimize our use of MongoDB.

Thank you for considering this request. I hope you see MongoDB.local NYC as an investment we need to make this year and look forward to your reply.

[Your name]

Download letter
Other considerations


Ask your boss about any educational budget that can be used for MongoDB.local.



Learn tangible skills related to MongoDB with breakouts and hands-on learning opportunities.


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Get 1:1 support and answers to your toughest questions from MongoDB experts at Ask the Experts.



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