{Event}  Tune in to the .local NYC keynote on June 22 at 9:30 a.m. ET for all the latest updates

Use Case

A mobile backend for any stack

The developer data platform that helps you launch an enterprise-grade mobile backend, fast. Build custom APIs or leverage fully managed services.
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Illustration of application on phone with gear

Build faster, iterate freely

Make development faster and easier with a JSON-like document model that intuitively maps to objects in your code. Our flexible schema allows data structures to easily evolve as your mobile app matures.
Explore document databases
Illustration of modern and powerful database

More stars, happier users, less code

Save time with managed services that embody best practices from leading mobile apps – managed endpoints, auto-scaling infrastructure, built-in network handling, advanced conflict resolution, enterprise-grade security, authentication, and more.

Flexible options that match your stack

MongoDB’s developer data platform was designed to provide mobile development teams with flexible options. Your stack, skillset, and timeline may determine which option is right for your project.
An illustration of hand tapping mobile phone with graph showing improvement.

Build custom APIs for your mobile apps

Deploy your own app server and work with data in your language of choice with one of our many language libraries. This option offers the most opportunity for customization, and is great for developers with experience building backend applications.
Browse all language libraries

Flexible document model

Intuitively map objects to your database and easily evolve your schema as your app matures.


Access data directly from your app in 18+ languages

Connect your application to your database with one of our many official and community drivers.


Fully customize your app server

Deploy your own app server and implement custom business logic, API validation, and more.


Fully customize security and user identity handling

Custom-build for security requirements – including authorization, permissions, and encryption.

An illustration of an app window with wrench and gear indicating the build of a database and managing APIs.

Leverage managed APIs

Leave infrastructure management – deployment, maintenance, scaling – to us. Our managed HTTPS endpoints allow you and your teams to focus on building and launching more application functionality, faster.
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Fully managed endpoints

Securely access your data with standard HTTPS requests directly from your app code.


Customize business logic

Write your own queries and mutations to implement specific business logic and schema transformations.


Built-in authentication, permissions, and data validation

Leverage out-of-the-box user-handling and data validation functionality to save time and reduce maintenance.

An illustration of a mobile phone and cloud database syncing.

Atlas Device Sync

Atlas Device Sync provides many out-of-the-box features that reduce time-to-launch and maintenance costs. This option streamlines app development and cuts down on the amount of backend code developers need to write.
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Easily access data from client app with SDKs

Save objects as data directly from the client and automatically sync to the cloud, no ORM is needed.


Seamlessly sync to the cloud on-the-go

Reliably sync data between devices and cloud with built-in network handling capabilities to avoid data loss.


Intelligently merge conflicting updates

Leverage built-in, industry-leading practices to automatically merge conflicting updates across concurrent users and devices, including updates made while offline.


100% uptime with local persistence

Store data on devices with Realm, the object-oriented mobile database, to support offline functionality.

Why MongoDB for your mobile apps?

Intuitive data model

Intuitively map objects to your database and easily evolve your schema as your app matures.


Flexible options meet you where you are

Easily work with data in MongoDB from any layer of your stack. Add on managed services as needed.


Simplify with ready-made capabilities

Cut time-to-market with built-in features like network-handling, offline support, conflict resolution, authentication, security, and more.


Mobile development expertise

Our platform embodies mobile development best-practices to provide enterprise-grade app performance.


Scale and evolve with ease

Leverage managed infrastructure that automatically scales to handle traffic spikes.


Easily add MongoDB to your stack

Choose from our many language libraries and SDKs to easily connect to your data in MongoDB Atlas from any layer in your stack.


Data where you need it

Precisely control where your data lives to ensure performance, speed, and compliance.


Run anywhere

Built-in redundancy and self-healing ensure service continuity of the cloud backend.


The costs of building great mobile apps

Understand the challenges and best practices for building enterprise-grade mobile apps that scale.

Get started with your mobile backend

Launch your mobile app fast by choosing the right option for you and your team.
An illustration of hand tapping mobile phone.

Custom mobile backend

Build a custom backend yourself on a MongoDB database with a language driver of your choice.